Resources for EdTech Best Practices

Resources for EdTech Best Practices

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Eberly Center @ Carnegie Mellon University

The Eberly Center provides a wealth of resources largely based on research from the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center on how to put learning science research into practice. You find guidelines and examples ranging from how to properly create learning objectives and rubrics to how create a syllabus.

You can also attend one of their many workshops. Here’s just a small sample of the types of workshops that they offer:

  • Engaging Students in Active Learning
  • Microteaching
  • Designing Effective Assessments: Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Guiding Attention and Memory to Build Knowledge

Schreyer Institute @ Penn State University

Similarly, the Schreyer Institute provides hundreds of guidelines and publications with a focus to advance and inspire excellence in Penn State’s teaching and learning community. These resources are freely available on their website.

A Google Sheet with a list of university’s and their guides for teaching online in response to the Covid-19 virus.