Useful Discussion Groups

Useful Discussion Groups

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The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) is an inter-disciplinary network of leading international researchers who are exploring the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training and development. SoLAR has been active in organizing the International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) and the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), launching multiple initiatives to support collaborative and open research around learning analytics, promoting the publication and dissemination of learning analytics research, and advising and consulting with state, provincial, and national governments.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) Graduate Student Special Interest Group Unifying graduate students working in learning analytics to facilitate training and collaboration opportunities within the SoLAR community

Learning Analytics Google Group.

Learning Engineering Google Group While our interest in learning engineering is broad, it also has a specific focus, and two general ideas are animating our interest in this conversation.  First, with the rapid growth of students entering computer science who also have a desire for social impact, there is a potential to attract top talent towards learning science and learning engineering. Second, the rise of large digital platforms creates the opportunity for researchers to conduct well-designed, large, rapid experiments, which remain rare in education research today. 


POD Network Open Discussion Group. One of the best and most popular ways to get immediate results when you are looking for resources is to inquire on the POD Network Google Group. The POD Network provides this group as a service to its members and others interested in faculty, instructional, and organizational development.