Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

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University Police – 412-268-2323 for both emergency and non-emergency calls

University Health Services Resources provides high quality care for all enrolled students.  We specialize in college health and offer primary carehealth promotion, and student health insurance services.

Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion

The Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion (CSDI) actively cultivates a strong, diverse and inclusive community capable of living out these values and advancing research, creativity, learning and development that changes the world.

The Center offers resources to enhance an inclusive and transformative student experience in dimensions such as access, success, campus climate and intergroup dialogue. Additionally, the Center supports and connects historically underrepresented students and those who are first in their family to attend college in a setting where students’ differences and talents are appreciated and reinforced.

Collegiate Recovery Community Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Collegiate Recovery Program (CRC) strives to connect, support, and engage students (and allies) in or seeking recovery from alcohol and other drugs.  



This website offers a window into the culture, history and values that shape Carnegie Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. It also gathers valuable resources including upcoming events, recent news and people and programming engaged in the wide variety of issues informed by this core value. We encourage you to explore these pages for opportunities to learn and engage.
Partners Allied in Civic Engagement (PACE) is a collaborative student staff initiative led by a Steering Committee comprised of seven students and two professional staff members from the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement (SLICE). The PACE Steering Committee is charged with visioning and implementing strategies for increased civic engagement across the Carnegie Mellon campus. Towards that end, PACE coordinates significant direct service and philanthropic opportunities, in addition to programming annual events and developing a network of student leaders committed to civic engagement. PACE also strives to grow the campus’ collective understanding of a particular social issue by exploring an annual theme through a series of educational opportunities and incorporating issue education and reflection into our service projects. Members of the Steering Committee are actively engaged in their own ongoing service work in addition to their work leading PACE.
The CMU Pantry is a resource for undergraduate and graduate students to help combat food insecurity on campus. Non-perishable food items and fresh produce will be available to all students who visit the CMU Pantry.