Masters of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science: Curriculum
METALS is an interdisciplinary program and students are encouraged to take electives from various departments within the university. This freedom allows you to tailor the program to your particular area of interest.
Current Carnegie Mellon students, staff, and faculty may access the syllabus repository here to learn more about specific course offerings.
Degree Requirements
Six METALS Core Courses
All students are required to take the following six core courses (05-823, 85-738, 05-840, 05-392, 05-681 and 05-682):
- Core Courses
05-823 E-Learning Design Principles

Good design is a continuous improvement process that combines scientific principles and data-driven methods to achieve desired outcomes. E-learning design is no exception. In this course, you will learn how to design innovative e-learning, that is, online interactions and technology that make learning more effective and efficient. You will practice instructional design using learning science theories and principles and learning engineering using data-driven methods to discover insights about how learners think. Instructional designers explain and use principles of learning and instruction such as proven ways to support learning-by-doing, like deliberate practice and self-explanation, and proven ways to support multimedia learning from text, visuals, and audio. They employ “backward design”: designing and aligning learning goals, the assessments that measure them, and the instruction that achieves them. But today’s learning engineers do not simply design in sequence — goals then assessments then instruction — but agilely move and iterate between these steps. They collect qualitative data, for example, by having an expert “think aloud” while completing one of their assessments and use the results to revise goals. They collect and use quantitative data, for example, by mining learning data from online course interactions or by comparing alternative designs in an A/B experiment. By using data, learning engineers create innovative and effective designs unlike the results of others who rely on science and intuition alone. You will do so too in an end-to-end e-learning design project, where you develop an e-learning module of your choice, continuously improve it, and test it in an A/B experiment.
85-738 Educational Goals, Instruction and Assessment
Students will learn to use scientifically based principles and practical strategies for:
- developing learner models and educational goals based on detailed task analysis of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for understanding and mastery,
- aligning the instructional program and its valid assessment with learners and goals, and
- considering additional aspects of learning environments that may impact implementation and evaluation.
05-840 Tools for Online Learning
In this course, we will explore issues that pertain to interaction and interface design. The class will focus on elements of the larger interaction design process including basic design principles, information architecture and navigation, planning and brainstorming methods, and techniques for developing rapid sketches and prototypes. Course Requirements: This class will not focus on learning specific software tools. Students are expected to have prior experience using a variety of design and programming tools. Please speak with the instructor if you have questions regarding these prerequisites.
05-692 Interaction Design Overview
In this course, the fundamentals of communication and interaction design including layout, typography, color, sketching, storyboarding, and the use of images are presented. Students will become proficient with these skills, and will become comfortable engaging in studio critique, a critical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of a given design. Course assignments will take the form of several short exercises.

05-681 METALS Project I (12-unit spring course)
05-682 METALS Project II (48-unit summer course)
Experiential learning is key component of the METALS program. Through a substantial team project, students apply classroom knowledge in analysis and evaluation, implementation and design, and develop skills working in multidisciplinary teams. The project begins in the spring semester before graduation and continues full-time through the final summer semester; it must be taken in consecutive spring and summer semesters. The course number for spring is 05-681 and for summer 05-682.
Five Electives
You may use the five elective courses to design the program to your individual interests, background and goals. You must choose a minimum of three electives from at least two of the three distributional areas (Technology, Learning Sciences Theory & Instructional Design, Methods & Design). It is your responsibility to ensure that you fulfill the distributional requirements. See the table below for the approved electives for each distributional area. Independent studies do not fulfill a distributional elective requirement unless approved in advance by the program director.
If electives are cross-listed, they can only count in one distributional area. Independent studies generally do not fulfill a distributional requirement unless approved in advance by the program director.
Each elective course must be the equivalent of a full-semester (9 or 12 unit) course; two mini (half-semester) courses (6 units each) count as one elective. Elective courses must be different from any that you may have taken as part of the METALS core, and they cannot have counted toward a degree previously awarded by CMU.
Electives other than those listed below must be individually approved by the program director on a case-by-case basis for each student to realize their program goals and future endeavors.
Learning Sciences Theory & Instructional Design
Methods & Design
General Electives Any two additional courses listed above or choose no more than two of:
*mini course – counts as 1/2 of one elective
**Available in the Spring semester for METALS students. In the Fall semester UCRE is reserved for MHCI students. Others may take it if and only if space is available and only with permission of the instructor. Non-MHCI students who register for this course in the Fall without the instructor’s approval will be removed without warning.
Two Place-out Courses
Place-out Opportunities
Carnegie Mellon’s METALS is a rigorous interdisciplinary program. Every student arrives here with his or her own set of talents and skills and we would like to reward you for your prior hard work by giving you the opportunity to “place-out” of several of the required courses.
We advise students to take advantage of this opportunity as it will give you more time to take electives, independent studies or various other courses that you may find of interest. If you choose not to take advantage of these place-out opportunities, then we cannot guarantee the completion of the program in 12 months.
- Knowledge of Programming
Proficiency in a programming language such as C, programming methodology and style, problem analysis, program structure, algorithm analysis, data abstraction, and dynamic data. Normally met through an introductory course in programming in C, C++, Pascal or JAVA, that requires the student to write programs of about 300-lines of code from scratch. Equivalent course at CMU is 15-100 Introductory/Intermediate Programming.
- Knowledge of Statistics
Basic concepts, logic, and issues involved in statistical reasoning, such as probability theory, methods for statistical inference, introductory research methods, exploratory data analysis, and the use of some statistical tests in the regression analysis and the contingency table families. Equivalent courses at CMU are 36-220 Engineering Statistics and Quality Control and 36-202 Statistical Methods.
Sample Plans of Study
Full-Time Study
3 Semesters: The METALS degree is designed to be earned in three semesters over the course of one year from August to August by those students who have significant previous employment experience. A sample full-time schedule is below:
Fall | Spring | Summer |
05-823 E-Learning Design Principles 85-738 Educational Goals, Instruction and Assessment 05-692 Interaction Design Overview Elective 1 Elective 2 |
05-681 METALS Project I 05-840 Tools for Online Learning Elective 3 Elective 4 Elective 5 |
05-682 METALS Project II |
Full-time Study
4 Semesters: The METALS degree may also be earned in four semesters by those seeking a less intense program experience or who have significant previous employment experience. The following is a sample full-time plan of study that keeps in mind required course sequences.
Fall | Spring | Summer |
05-823 E-Learning Design Principles 85-738 Educational Goals, Instruction and Assessment 05-692 Interaction Design Overview |
05-681 METALS Project I 05-840 Tools for Online Learning Elective 1 Elective 2 |
05-682 METALS Project II |
Second Fall* | Second Spring | Second Summer |
Elective 3 Elective 4 Elective 5 |
*International students must complete a minimum of 36 units per semester.
Part-Time Study
Students have the option to complete the program on a part-time basis. Due to the F-1 visa requirement that students be enrolled full time, this option is only open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. By exercising this option, you will be able to tailor completion of the coursework to suit your needs. You will work with an advisor to set up an appropriate plan of study. Ideally students should be able to complete the degree within a period of two years by taking two courses per semester, including summers. During the summer METALS Project II course, students are expected to be enrolled as full-time students and should make the appropriate arrangements with their employers for leave. Part-time students must also be aware that all HCI core courses are held during the day, so it is not possible to complete the degree as a night student. Also we cannot guarantee that electives will be available during the summer.
The following is a sample part-time plan of study that keeps in mind required course sequences.
First Fall | First Spring | First Summer |
85-738 Educational Goals, Instruction and Assessment 05-823 E-Learning Design Principles |
Elective 1 Elective 2 |
Elective 3 Elective 4 |
Second Fall | Second Spring | Second Summer |
05-692 Interaction Design Overview 05-840 Tools for Online Learning |
Elective 5 05-681 METALS Project I |
05-682 METALS Project II |